View from Mount Rogers

View from Mount Rogers Originally uploaded by mineral2. Oops! I promised a detailed account of my Mount Rogers extravagansa, but forgot to post about it here. So here it is, almost two months late. Of course, you can visit the photo galleries for photos as they are now up there. But here's my adventure: Sunday: I left Alabama on Sunday.…

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Mount Rogers, VA

Well, my time in Alabama has come to an end. To catch up on this thing, I spent the fall season at the McDowell Environmental Center as an educator down in northern Alabama. I enjoyed it so much that I returned for the spring season. The area is a sandstone highlands carved into canyons by the rivers. Its beautiful and…

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Its been an interesting week to say the least. Friday it was warm and rainy, which killed all remains of snow. Then it got real cold. So I had a ski lesson on the grass. It doesn't really work that great on grass. Today was also cold. So... Its cold. Booo Its supposed to snow. Yay! Its going to stay…

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Let it Snow

Winter has made a comeback here on the Palouse. After several weeks of warm weather into the 50's, the temperatures have cooled down, but the precipitation remains. The snow began Monday night, giving us only an inch or two, not much to worry about. But the snow continued throughout Tuesday dropping another two inches on Moscow. However, for every inch…

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