Another conference, how about that?

Somehow, I managed to go to two conferences in one semester. Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to Port Townsend, WA along with several other members of the department for the bi-annual Evo-WIBO conference. This is a small, regional conference for evolutionary biologists in the Pacific Northwest. There are only going to be around 200 or so people attending (compared to the 2-3000 at SICB), and there is only one talk session at a time. So lucky me, I got chosen to give an oral presentation.

Did I mention it’s a small conference? It begins Saturday morning and ends Sunday at noon. All that for a 7-8 hour one-way drive. It’s too bad that I have to be back in Moscow on Monday because I’d love to stick around and explore the Olympic Penninsula a bit.

Such is life, I guess.

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